The Feast of Trumpets

Let the trumpet of the LORD sound into your life.
Give your inner most heart to the LORD of hosts.
Let the Sent One teach you of the One sending.
Invite the Light that cannot be over shadowed
to begin in you a day that shall never find an end.

Let the trumpet of the LORD sound into your life.
Let the Kingdom of the Most High God
dwell today and forever within your walls.
Invite the Holy Spirit to bring the throne of God
into a heart cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb.

Let the trumpet of the LORD sound into your life.
Let the Holy Angels of God have charge to protect
that which is of God and to pluck out the tares.
Invite the fire of the LORD to complete the work
that the hands of God has worked in your soul.

Let the trumpet of the LORD sound into your life.
Accept the robe of white and wait on the Lord.
Give the temporal life away and gird on eternity.
Invite the Angels of God to join you in a new song,
and sing unto the Lord of His endless glory forever.

© 2006 Tim D. Coulter Sr.