The Body Love

There is no love like the love of God. There is no lover like our LORD. The evening that I spend with Him is pure bliss. My breath is quickened by the beauty in His face and I tremble at the tender touch of His strong hands. The desire of every cell in my body is to please Him, as He wraps His arms around me. When He opens His mouth to speak, the words of eternal love melt my heart. There is such peace in the night, knowing that He will never leave or forsake me. When I wake in the morning, every part of my being is singing praises to the sound of His name. As I rise He dresses me in a garment created by His desire to love me, washed in the outpouring of that love. As He dresses me He says, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” There is no love like the love of God, let us love one another with the love of God.

© 2006, Tim D. Coulter Sr.