On This Morning and a Few Days Past

On this morning and a few days past, through prayer and study and the council of the Spirit, God put it in my heart to write of tithes and offerings. Please be of good heart, and with prayer seeking understanding, when reading. When our Lord came and lived among men then died for our sins and lived again, he did so we that believe, and call to God in remembrance of Him and in His name, would be free. When we call out to God in the name of our Lord Jesus of Christ – When we open our heart and soul to the Love of God and Spirit of forgiveness that is the Christ, of whom Jesus is the head – When we come willingly to the calling, we become members of the Christ. Each with our own gifts according to our calling, each to be faithful to our own calling and to the works we have been called to perform in the whole.

In that, we are all part of the Christ by the grace of God through the life, death, and life of Jesus – we are all part of the Christ and the Christ is part of God, we are all part of God through the Christ. All things that we posses are possessions of the Christ and of God in our care. We then, in giving of an offering, are only giving a portion of what in is our care to the care of another in Christ, and should do so as we are directed by the Spirit. But, in the matter of a tithe, why do we put a limit or a burden on ourselves that we might fall short and it be used against us by those that would find blame in the Christ. Do not lay an account for yourself that would have you counting your increase and measuring pennies like so many looking to see what they can keep from the taxman.

Ministers and keepers of the flock, when you lay a charge to your sheep to pay a tithe or double tithe, you bring the law to judge on your ministry. Would you have your ministry be so judged or rather by the grace of God and our Lord Jesus? Let your charge be to love and not a binding debt. Everyone that is of Christ, give a love offering as the Spirit moves you and count your blessings and not your increase. Why let it be like the tax consultant that counts every dollar spent as a lack of increase, and seeks to pay only on the increase? Your mind should be on things other than saving a dollar. Be it not a curse but a blessing to give an offering. Do not say I gave this or I give that percentage, if you error you error against the Christ and against God. Keep it in your heart and between yourself and the Spirit. That which you give in secret, God will reward you openly. Love is a much better reason for giving and sharing than burden or debt can ever be.

In the giving of offerings, why do it only with the dues paid you for the time you sell? Do it also in the giving of your time and the sharing of the gifts that God has given. If the hand said to the feet, “I will give you a dollar as an offering.” The feet would reply to the hand, “please save your dollar and give me the time it takes to dress me for the day and undress me for the night.” In the same way your body parts work together, the body of Christ is made of many parts that serve each other. What if the feet replied to the hand, “and I will give to you a dollar” and then thought they would never again have to carry the hands to the sink to wash. In giving do so because of a need (but not for that only) and out of love.

The life we live in the flesh does not understand the principle of living the giving life. If one keeps only what one has need of and gives the rest, it will always be enough. If one holds back and keeps more than is needed, it is never enough. That is mystery enough, but it is not the end of the thing. If one gives more and keeps less than enough, it will be to them an increase – they will have more than they need. When Jesus fed the multitude with less than enough, more was taken back than was started with. It is not math, nor will it sound like reason. It will only be proven by the giving life. In the giving life, one does not live for the return so anything that comes back is a gift.

These are words given to me by the Spirit and as such may have no meaning to you. If you find a truth in them, praise God. If they hold no meaning for you, pray about the matter. If after prayer, they are not in your heart, forget them. Do not try to hold them to you if they are not for you. Do not let them be a burden to you or make them so to anyone else. The calling is to a free heart, not one of blame or debt. The debt has been paid, you have no need to pay it again nor can you. Give freely and with a giving heart. Receive freely and with a giving heart. Share the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

© 1999 Tim D. Coulter Sr.