He has Already Given

Human where do you come from
How is it that you believe in love
When you have seen so little of it
How can you believe in heaven
Standing in the midst of hell’s cold chill
You insist on having joy in your suffering
And the longer you live the more you suffer

Time has taken away the young
With every beat of your heart he leaves
One more step towards tomorrow
One more day in the sorrow and still
You believe that you are walking with God
Being held within the heart of His Son
Living because He died and rose again

Human what are going to do
Believe and love the Lord your God
Love one another without end
Giving love to both foe and friend
Until the footsteps of the young stop
And time holds claim on you no more
Then will the Spirit come and take you home

Adam lived in the face of God
And could not hold back the desire to sin
Adam felt the very breath of God on his face
And could not stay faithful to life
Human, do you really think you can see God
Do you believe that He hears your voice
Do you still believe in His Loving Grace

It is not my life or the walk that I take
It is not the law that I keep or break
It is not by the words of my mouth
It is not by the ills or suffering of my flesh
The only walk that matters, He has walked
The only words that matter, He has spoken
The only life that is, He has already given

© 2006 Tim D. Coulter Sr.