Temples of the Heart

The generation spoke of by our Lord is at hand
It is as it was in the time of Noah and of Sodom
The world gives and receives in marriage by law
And the union ordained by God is a passing game
Women are bearing hard on the backs of the males
Their lips spill out poison and equality is dominion
And the fathers are not in the hearts of the children
Nor are they in their homes or in their churches
Church has been made a place were people find fault
And put burden on the backs of the lost and the poor

Assuredly I say to you, this generation will not pass
Take heart that this generation is not weighed down
With the cares of life and the day come unnoticed
Watch and pray always to be counted worthy
Behold the Lord is at the door and is knocking
Hear His voice and open the door, let Him come in
Overcoming is letting in the righteousness of God
If you have ear take time to hear the Holy Spirit
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive
Blessed are you if you receive from the Lamb

In the days of Israel’s wondering they ate bread
After they crossed Jordan they ate off the land
They observed the Lord’s Passover uncircumcised
It is the Lord that sends the Spirit to cut away flesh
It is the Lord, He overcomes all things and gives life
Our voices all lifted up at the same time shouting
Can not reach as many as the voice of the Spirit
Take heed, the ear you need is an ear that hears
The rushing wind and the still voice that speaks
Answer the knocking door and let wisdom in

My words are like pearls cast before the blind
They will not hear unless they can see or touch
God sends them men to repeat the Spirit’s words
The cares of this world overtakes the preachers
Buildings are built with the lives of the poor
Inside they sing so loud that nobody hears the knock
Nor do they hear the words of the songs they sing
“You are worthy, O’ Lord to receive glory and honor.”
But not worthy to enter into the temples we build
Lord, enter into the temple of our hearts and fulfill

© 2004 Tim D. Coulter Sr.