One thing I desire of my Lord
One thing that I will seek
That I might live in His house
All the days of my life
One thing that I will seek
To behold the Lord’s delight
One thing I will seek
To study in His temple
And once upon a Rock
In the secret place He hides me
So the Light of my salvation
Is all the world will see
Of whom shall I be afraid
When it is the Lord I seek
O Lord, hear the I cry of my voice
One thing that I will seek
Do not hide Your face from me
Or turn your servant away
One thing that I will seek
Your answer and Your mercy
When all of man forsakes
The Lord will take care of me
I shall witness the Lord’s goodness
Teach me Your way O’ Lord
And lead me in a smooth path
In the land with the living
Being of good courage
Delivered from enemies
One thing that I will seek
Waiting, waiting on the Lord
© 2004 Tim D. Coulter Sr.