Do the birds invest in banks?
Does the sparrow work outside
The calling of the lord?
Look at the lilies, do they worry
How the other flowers dress?
Come to me, the Lord has said.
Come home, come home to Me.
Do you still miss part of you?
Does your soul feel the emptiness
And your heart empty blue?
Look at the heavens, are they empty
Or filled with God’s wonder?
Come to me, the Lord has said.
Come home, come home to Me.
Our Father the Lord of all
Sent the Son of Man for us
So we could find our way
Our Father that is in heaven
Sent the Son of God for us
So we could hear Him say,
Come home, come home to stay
Do you worry about clothing
What to eat or if to drink?
These things are not God’s love.
These things are not the kingdom
Sent to us from up above.
Listen and hear God say,
Come home, come home to Me.
How much of this day is yours
And how much of tomorrow?
To the measure of God,
Can we add a single beat?
Or is this time all we’ve got?
To hear our Lord God say,
Come home, come home to stay.
© 2004 Tim D. Coulter Sr.