
Abba, Father are You proud,
when the smoke of my prayer
reaches you? Is it sweet incense?
Is it like a letter from a child?
Does it sound like a child
learning to say its first words?
Was my first word, “Papa?”
I’ve missed You while I was lost,
but I may miss You more now
that Jesus has turned me back.
The small voice tells me
and the song in my heart
sings of Your endless love.
The breath is proof of You.
Abba, Father are You proud?

A child is a gift of God,
handle it with care, in prayer.
Someday the child will
show you Abba God within.
It was the Child of God that
turned our hearts home
and showed us the Father.
Bringing up a child in the way
that they should go is not
the way you will go, but
the way you showed them.
They will make the walk.
Abba, Father was within
the Son that came and followed
the path the Father pointed to.

Abba, Father be within me
in the Spirit and the Son.
Handle me with care and prayer.
It is not the one that is me
but the one You will have me be
that is calling home for help.
Abba, Father send me a ticket
home, I am cold and so tired.
Coming home is not leaving
but understanding the reason
He came. Love me first.
It may be a simple thing
To say, “I love You.”
Does it make You as proud
as when my child said it to me?

© 2002 Tim D. Coulter Sr.