Be prepared for every good work
Be gentle to all and able to teach
Humbly guiding opposition
Be you a servant of the Lord
(2 Timothy 2)
God will not be unjust to forget
The love which you have shown
When you labor towards His name
When you have ministered to the saints
(Hebrews 6:10)
But a hireling is not the shepherd
The sheep are not his and he flees
And allows the wolf to scatter the sheep
Jesus, our good shepherd brings us home
Our Lord is saying, “As the Father knows me,
I know Him and for you I lay down My life
And for others also that we be one flock,
One shepherd that picks up His life again.”
(John 10)
A new command was given to us that believe
As our Lord has loved, we should also love
By this they will know that we are His
If we love one another with the Love of God
(John 13:34-35)
In this is Love, not that we love
But that He loved us first and has sent
His begotten Son as the payment for sin
Love one another with Jesus, the Love of God
(1 John 4:10-11)
© 2004 Tim D. Coulter Sr.