God Made Oatmeal

The small church was alive with the gospel message and praise and worship of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). As I walked towards the back of the sanctuary, a young man reached out and took hold of my hand and urged me to sit down. Setting in the pew next to him, he took hold of my left arm and said, “This is my arm.” I asked the young man if he needed to talk. He replied, “God made oatmeal.”

My response was, “God made everything.”

“God made oatmeal, ” was shared again, “and cheeseburgers, ” was added.

“God made cheeseburgers with the help of people,” said I.

“God made oatmeal and cheeseburgers,” was said with a little force and a lot of confidence.

God made oatmeal. God created the universe and all things contained within. God made the earth, the sun, the rains, and the seeds that grow into oats. God made the people that cleared the ground, and the people that plowed the earth, and the people that planted the seeds and the people that harvested the oats. God made all the natural resources that went into the equipment used to clear the land, and plow the earth, and plant the seeds, and harvest the oats, and box the oats, and deliver them to the store. God made the people and resources that build the store. God made the person that bought the oats and the person that cooked the oatmeal. Every step of the way God was in the making of oatmeal. God made oatmeal.

You see God doesn’t need us to make oatmeal, we need Him. God doesn’t need us to be God. God doesn’t need us to worship Him and praise Him; we need to be about praising God because God made oatmeal, and God makes cheeseburgers, and God made us in His image and His likeness. God didn’t make oatmeal in His image and likeness. God made us in His image and His likeness.

If there is ever any doubt in your mind that God is not bigger than your problems and issues, remember God made oatmeal. God wants us to know that He made oatmeal. God wants us to remember Him, that He is our Father. God wants us to remember Him, that He is Jesus our savior. God wants us to remember Him, that He is the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. The Father conceived the idea of oatmeal and knew He would need oats. The Son manifested the idea of oats into a physical object with His words, and the Holy Spirit placed that object on the earth (planted the first oats). God the Father conceived you, who you would be. God the Son manifested you into the physical with His words and the Holy Spirit placed you into the womb. In Genesis 2:7 it is written, “The LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” God made oatmeal.

© 2005, 2017 Tim D. Coulter Sr.