the cup of life

Oh, how I remember the days before
How the road it was so long
And how I walked it with a song
Now I can see the beginning of the end
Now the words I sung mean something more.

Oh, I still can see the light today
Brighter and brighter everyday
How I have moved so far away
Walked so far from my family and friends
But here they are still walking with me.

Here I am today standing here this way
How the road it is so brief
And me with so much belief
The city above is here to take me from all my grief
Without enough time to see it all unfold.

Now my sprit wanders the highways and byways
While the world sleeps, trying to wake them up
There is more to life than the greed and the strife
That stole me from my children and my wife
There is the bread and there is the cup of life.

Hug your children and hug your friends
Do this I ask, if for any reason you remember me
Know that love is the only thing you really have time for
I am talking about the love that endures until the end
Do not wait for the road to end before you see.

Now, I still have some life to live
I still have some time and something to give
A gift was given to me when I started down this road
It is a gift that I can give without giving it all away
It is a seed that I hope was planted in someone today

© 2020 Tim D. Coulter Sr.