Go Into the Eldest

The Lord has been speaking to me about Leah and Rachel, and how Laban loved them both. Jacob loved Rachel, and willing worked seven years for Laban to receive her as his wife. Laban would not that his daughter Leah should suffer and watch the younger marry first. God asked me where I believed Rachel to be while Laban worked his plan to have Jacob receive Leah. He then told me that Rachel did the will of her father and allowed it to be so. God honored the wishes of Laban, and Leah gave birth to six sons. Leah’s forth son was Judah, the father of the kings of Israel; the patriarch of King David, in the blood line of Jesus the Christ.

Jacob desired Rachel because of her beauty. It was written of Leah that she had tender (weak) eyes, whiles Rachel’s were beautiful. Jacob wanted Leah, but Laban had another plan. Some believe Laban was deceitful to Jacob, when he sent Leah in to him to be his first wife. Laban kept his agreement with Jacob, and gave him Rachel after a week; asking him to work another seven years. Laban honored Leah, and kept his arrangement with Jacob. It is written that Leah was unloved, but Jacob did not stay away from her; she delivered six sons and a daughter.

God does not always work things out the way we think He will. God may give us the desire of our heart, but He may also require us to give honor and take a gift He has for us; even if we do not see the gift as desirable. Laban’s eldest daughter gave Jacob half of his sons, and a daughter. Our blessings can come from a gift we did not desire in our heart. God knows from where our blessing will come. Rachel also blessed Jacob with two sons, and among the sons was Joseph; the prosperity of Jacob. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

If you feel like you are in a week where your promise has been delayed, look to see if God hasn’t given you a gift that you need to give honor to for a while. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Timothy 3:16-17) When Paul wrote those words to Timothy there was no Bible as we know it today; the scriptures Paul referred to were the documents that we now call the Old Testament. There was a period of time that God wanted the Church to give honor to the eldest first. And they still have truth for us. Timothy was a New Testament, Spirit filled, gifted preacher; and Paul wrote to him that all the scriptures are from God. Half of your blessings may be delivered by the eldest, but first you have to go into the eldest.

© 2009, Tim D. Coulter Sr.