In the morning

In the morning the earth turns itself towards the sun and there is light and warmth. In the evening the earth turns away from the sun and it becomes dark and cools. The light always exists and is waiting for the earth to turn back into it. The darkness does not exist but is absents of light. Likewise the cool does not exist but is loss of heat. In the same manner evil does not exists but is absents of good, absents of God. Likewise hate does not exist but is loss of love.

In the garden when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they then turned away from Him. After taking it on themselves to know right from wrong, they hide from Him among the trees and covered themselves with leaves. They turned away from God and tried to cover their sins themselves. God gave to them coverings of animal skins and put them out of the garden, but it was man that turned himself away from God. Turning from God, man turned to absents of God or evil. God gave to humanity animal sacrifice as a temporary covering of sin.

In the town of Bethlehem, Jesus the Christ was born. Jesus lived His life as a sacrifice for humanity and took away the animal sacrifice. Jesus fulfilled the sacrifice and permanently covered sin. When Adam sinned, he turned away from God. When Jesus took on the sins of humanity, being Himself without sin, He felt absent from God. Unlike Adam, Jesus turned to God. “My God, My God why have you forsaken Me.” Jesus did not hide, He prayed. Man who thought to become like God and know right from wrong, turned from God. God that became man turned to God. Jesus became the light of the world.

Hell is living your life without God. Just as cold is without heat, hate is without love. Love is all around, but hate does not see it or feel it. The heart that is missing love may know that it is missing, but does not know how to get it back. Likewise a soul that is missing God may know that something is missing, but does not know how to get it back. The lonely heart may try to replace the love with other things, but will not be comforted. The lonely hearted may try to get others to love them and cannot understand when it does not fill them. Love must come from within. God must come into the soul and then good and love will come forth from within.

To have the light and warmth the earth must turn to the sun. For the soul to have the light and warmth, it must turn to God. God has given to us His Son, Jesus, to cover our sins. We must accept that Jesus has covered them and turn back to God. The hate that is in our lives will be gone when love comes within. The evil will be gone when good comes within. Turn to God and He will give the Holy Spirit to comfort and bring understanding. As the earth must turn to the sun, we must turn also to the Son of God, then the Father and the Son will come and dwell within us. We never have to be without God.


© 2001 Tim D. Coulter Sr.