Be not afraid to take Mary as your wife that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit placed into Mary the seed that was the child Jesus. Later Jesus promised to send a comforter. That comforter is the same Holy Spirit that placed the seed of our Lord in Mary and comes now to dwell in the new temple that is being prepared. The Spirit comes to dwell within the one that believes in and calls on the name of our Lord Jesus. The new temple is the believer. Be not afraid for that which is conceived in you is of the Holy Spirit.
On that great day, when Jesus calls the believers to meet Him in the clouds, He will return with the new great city. The believers are the temple of that great city and Jesus its chief cornerstone. As we prepare a place within ourselves to receive the Holy Spirit, a new place is being prepared for us in the kingdom of God. Today, the believer lives in the kingdom of God that is scattered about the earth. When Jesus returns, the believer will be called to the new place that God has prepared for them. Today when the Spirit fills the believer it flows out in love, kindness and actions based on the gifts that it brings. After the return of our Lord the Spirit will flow out of the new temple and the new city and be a blessing to those that will understand. And she will be called THE CITY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.
In those days and that time God will cause to grow up to David a Branch of righteousness; He shall execute judgement and righteousness in the earth. In those days Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem will dwell safely. Mary, being of the house of David, came to be with child by the Holy Spirit and gave birth to Jesus, THE LORD OF OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. To Him all things were given on this earth and He is the rightful King of the earth. But as David waited for Saul’s reign to be completed so our Lord waits for the reign of Lucifer to end. And as David’s followers waited with David, we wait with THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. We are like John the Baptist, we go forth baptizing as we cry in the wilderness, “Prepare the way of the Lord.” We go about doing the Lord’s work, preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven and baptizing in the name of our Lord.
Be not afraid for that which is conceived in you is of the Holy Spirit. It is the wine that connects the broken bread until Jesus returns to unite His Holy Temple. It is the blood that flows through the body of Christ. It is the living water that flows through the called vessels of our Lord Jesus Christ the living Son of God. Be not afraid, we are all children of the Father and made righteous by the gift of the Son. Give praise to the Father from whom all gifts flow and to the Son that praises and glorifies the Father. Do not bottle up the sweet wine nor place the bitter on our Lord’s lips. Let the sweet wine flow and let the Lord that turns water to wine turn the bitter wine to sweet. Our Lord let His blood pour out for our sake. In like manner we must let the spirit flow out of us. We have need to let the gifts of the Holy Spirit direct the flow. If a person steps into a river they will get wet, if they came to be baptized or not. In like manner, if a person steps into a room filled with the Holy Spirit flowing from the believers they will be touched by it.
Mary took into herself the Holy Spirit and gave to us a Son, a Brother, a Rabbi and the living mercy of God. If you know mercy you must forgive others and be forgiven. If you know mercy you will take in the homeless and feed the widows and fatherless. If you know mercy then you will be among the ones placed on the right hand of our Lord. If you know mercy you will say to the Lord “when did we do these things.” And the Lord will reply, “when you did it to the least of my brothers and sisters.” Mary took into herself a gift from the Holy Spirit, but she did not keep it within herself. The Lord lives and sits at the right hand of our Father. The Lord lives and is within the soul of the believer. The Lord lives so be not afraid for that which is conceived in you is of the Holy Spirit.
© 2000 Tim D. Coulter Sr.