He Commanded Grace

Mercy is more than the absence of punishment
Grace is more than the presence of salvation
Both are the promise of God to take our pain
Into the hearth of the earth, beyond the gates of hell
A place not designed for mankind, but for destruction

The creation was not right and wrong or good and evil
The physical manifestation was true and decent
Until mankind resolved to disbelieve their own story
Undertook to change the history of their own distribution of life
By choosing to believe a lie about the way it all began

It began with God so loving the idea of the children of God
That when He discovered darkness and emptiness without form
He commanded the Light to come in the appearance of the Son of man
He commanded mercy before there was a need for castigation
He commanded grace before there was mankind to repent

The grave is a lost cause, thrown into the fiery lake
And the destruction of torment a forgone conclusion
The dragon defeated and the King’s bride rescued
The new heaven and the new earth filled with passion
And Light from the new Temple the jewel of its crown

© 2017 Tim D. Coulter Sr.