Siblings of the King

God’s mercy is new every morning. Jesus is the sacrifice once and for all. Jesus does not need sacrificed yearly, monthly, weekly, or daily. Jesus is the sacrifice for eternity. Remember the sacrifice yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily. Walk in grace by faith step by step. Be led by the Holy Spirit. Follow and be sent. If you trip up and fall, look to Christ Jesus and get up. If you step to the left or right, look to Christ Jesus and His Spirit to make the correction and straighten your path.

God is with us. Jesus is God with us. The Holy Spirit is God with us hovering over us and dwelling in us. We did not design ourselves. We are part of the creation designed by God for God. God has not left us orphans. We are not the children in the orphanage asking if we can have another. We are children of God at God’s table filled and fulfilled. Seated with God as we walk the highways and byways calling to our siblings to come to the banqueting table of the Lord.

The Sprit of God dwells in God’s Holy of Holies in the temples created by the hands of God. In your inner most parts there is the mercy seat of the Lord where you can meet with Christ Jesus anytime. You are a temple of the Lord’s Spirit. The Savior has removed all obstacles and obligation that would keep you from entering into the glory of God’s mercy. Grace is for you and you can find forgiveness. You are cleansed by the words Jesus has already spoken over you and to you.

Believe and love one another is obedience. Turning to look upon Christ Jesus and God in Christ is repenting. Communication with the Lord is sharing your heart and hearing His heart. For God heals and hears the heart. God rebuilds the temple that houses the Holly Spirit. Christ Jesus is the High Priest and head and occupies the mercy seat. Enter in to the throne of grace. Yoked with Christ Jesus, you work/obey from a place of grace. You are the righteousness of God in Christ because of Christ Jesus. That is that God in Christ reconciled you with righteousness in Himself.

God’s mercy is new each morning. God’s grace is an atmosphere we walk in by faith in the resurrection of Christ Jesus. That is an eternal atmosphere. The new heaven and the new earth engulfed in mercy and grace. That atmosphere is available to us now by faith in a living God who is life for us. Eternity has no beginning nor end. Our time is in eternity. Eternity surrounds us all. The presence of God is always with us. We are not orphaned children. We are children of the Most High and siblings of the King of kings.

© 2022 Tim D. Coulter Sr.