
The sacrament of remembrance we call communion is an act of intimacy with Christ Jesus and with one another. We are corporately remembering Jesus’ life, sacrifice, and resurrection uniting us with eternity. Each of us individually and as a group share in a common bond with God.

The bread is a remembrance of the body. The physical body of Jesus living for us, to reconcile us with Himself. Furthermore, we remember our part in the body. We come as broken pieces and in Him we are healed and made whole.

The wine is a remembrance of the life Jesus gave for each of us. No longer are we alive just because we breathe. We are alive because His life dwells in us. Jesus is the life dwelling in us. The blood and the Spirit He poured out is life poured into us.

Jesus gave life for us and to us; then, rose from the tomb to accompany us in life. It was not for sin that Jesus died but for us. Our life, our salvation, our reconciliation with the fullness of God.