And Still the Sun Returns

While praying, I asked the Lord God Most High, “We are to love our enemy, pray for those that use us out of spite, and return good for evil; why is the earth filled with plagues? Jesus is the end of the curse of the law for all that believe, but what about loving our enemy, giving expecting nothing, and returning good for evil, that we may be children of the Most High?” The Lord answered and reminded me about the son that took his inheritance and spent it on wrong living. After a time the blessings from his father’s house ran out and the son lived among unbelievers and worked with unclean animals.

“What has that to do with the plagues in the earth?” I asked.

“The Church is the body of My Son, the Christ. The body takes the head and travels from place to place. It should be at the heads leading, but the body has the final word on where it goes. The Church, My Son’s body, has mindlessly spent the blessings of His Father’s house on wrong living. Where did I command the body to build big buildings and call them the body of Christ, or to drive long fancy cars, or to forget the widows and orphans? ‘If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land’ (2 Chronicles 7:14). What has been spoken? What has been written?”

“Every day the sun shines and the rains fall in season. Still, every evening the darkness comes. My Son has come and sins are forgiven, but what is bound on earth is bound in heaven. The Holy Spirit has come, like a cleansing rain, and it is His season. Why does the Church still bind sins to the earth? The Head forgives, but the body holds on and binds the earth’s sins to the body. So the darkness still comes and plagues the earth. Open the arms of the Church and release the sins of the earth – stop using the sins to collect payments to build your buildings. Your arms are too full of sins to have room to hold the widows and orphans. Your buildings are so rich, that you have no room for the poor. When someone gives to you, you start dunning them for more. Was the payment my Son made not enough? And still the sun returns.”

The Lord our God has died
His body placed in the earth
The Word of God in the heart
Of the earth that He created
On the third day He arose
Stone on stone no two remain
When two or three or more gather
There He is also among them
Do we need magnificent buildings
For such a few as three to meet
But in our numbers we are justified

The sun came up this morning
All the day long it watched
Clouds came and dropped rain
Then moved on to another place
The blessings fell on good and evil
The grass grew and waters gathered
The evening and the darkness came
Evening and the morning being day
In the night the clouds still rained
Into emptiness the blessings came
And the sun rose into darkness

© 2007, 2017 Tim D. Coulter Sr.