What Does It Mean

Father, what does it mean that I wed
Mother, what does it mean that I wed
I have seen life go right and wrong and nowhere
There have been joy and tears in the few years
That I have lived and I hope and fear the same
My dreams are not that different than the ones
That you shared when you where young
How do I know if we can make it work
How can we be sure that we will always care

My son, what it means to wed
Is more than someone to share your bed
It is the sparkle in her eye to light up
The darkest night with loves glow
And the meeting of two hearts giving
It is God sharing life that two are living
It is troubled times with someone that cares
Mixed with the best of times made for two
It is the coming together of my dreams for you

My girl, what it means to wed
Is more than another man taking my place
It is the happiness I see in your face
And the prayer that it never goes away
The little girl of yesterday and the woman today
Walking the isle from my heart to his
Life is not always kind nor is love blind
Times will come when trouble blooms
When they do, remember your smile this day

My child, what does it mean to wed
It is not someone to do what you would not
But someone to share what you will do
And another’s dreams to help you through
Listen with your head and talk with your heart
Remembering in all things this one you love
And have promised to always put above
The stranger that would tempt in times of whoa
If you let it the seed you plant today will grow
© 2000 Tim D. Coulter Sr