In My Hand

If we could see love for ourselves
If we could hold it in our hands
Would we be giving it away
Or putting it on a shelf for another day
How would it look, how would it feel
Just to hold it for a little while
Would it give us a reason to smile
Give us the courage to go another mile
Would we see the face of our God
If we could only hold love in our hands
Touching you in the morning as I wake
Holding you at night as we both sleep
And all the times in between I am
Seeing love and holding love to myself
Do I put it on the shelf for another day
Or do I give it the time it needs today
To help you see, am I doing all I can
To help you understand, to let you know
The face of God shines in your loving smile
Where true love goes the extra mile
Children are a gift from God it is true
A gift the Lord has given me from you
One that I can touch with my grateful hands
And feel in my heart, a treasure to this man
So I can see love and I can touch love
It can never be whom the world sees
That defines who this man is or will be
It will always be the part of me in you
And the love of God that made it true
That I could hold your love in my hands

© 1999 Tim D. Coulter Sr.