I Ran Up a Mountain

I ran up the mountain
Just so I could find
That all that I found
Was the other side.
I walked into the valley
I walked through the woods
Would have walked on water
Lord, if I only could

It’s a matter of faith
Running up a mountain
That I should have moved
With my mustard grain
Walking into the valley
Walking through the woods
Wishing I could see you
Lord, if I only could

Stopped in a park to watch
A family as they played
They ran here and there
Playing catch and tag
Anything to show they cared
Then prepared a meal
Sat and prayed together
And talked and ate that day

It’s a matter of faith
Keeping a family
Together in that way
Takes them works and love
For much more than just the day
In that park I saw
The face of my Lord
In a family that prayed

It’s a matter of faith
Moving a mountain
If it is in your way
Opening up a valley
That yea though I must walk through
Lord be my comfort
All ways, in all I do
Lord, if my faith is you
© 1999 Tim D. Coulter Sr.