How You Are Fallen From Heaven

How you are fallen from heaven, Oh Lucifer, son of the morning! You are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For in your heart you have said, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the clouds, I will be like the Most High.” You shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the pit. The first shall be last and the last shall be first.

Why do you pretend to be the Most High? Why do you wish to turn the hearts away from God? What would you do with them, but to cast them aside and leave them without? The glory of being the Most High is not in being to one’s self, but in being to all. Why try to take the place of the Most High to glory in yourself and destroy the creation? Return to the house of the Most High and be served by and serve with the Most High. Should it be better to destroy than to create? Should it be better to hate than to love? Whom does your hate destroy? What heart grows cold and wastes away without love?

The Lords asks us to abide in Him and bear fruit. How is that done? Love one another. Love is not something that will come to you if you pretend to be the Most High, but if you give love. Some may believe that you are indeed the Most High and give you praise, but so much the more is the righteous praise of being with the Lord. And how are we with the Lord? “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you, abide in My love.” To abide in the love of the Lord, love one another as the Lord loves us. Give one to another out of the blessing the Lord gives. Share with one another the truth of the Holy Spirit and the good news of the kingdom of the Most High.

What might the Most High have in store for you if you return to His house? The supper He would prepare would be like no other table ever before. The sound of rejoicing would greet visitors still a day’s journey away. The feast would go on until everyone knew the reason for it. There could be no end of the telling of what awaits the returning of the one that has fallen from heaven. The trials of the journey are retold at journey’s end. They are not the reward but they bring compassion for other travelers. The journey is not the end but the way and if we abide in the Lord our way is to the Most High. Do not fear that your journey has taken you too far away, turn and be put on the road that leads one home. Supper is waiting.

The morning sun cannot stay in sky of its own will, but that it is the will of the Most High God. It is the will of God that none be lost. If one of the sheep is lost the shepherd seeks it from dusk until dark and cries for it at night for fear that, in the darkness, it will fall into a pit and never be found. How much more would the shepherd seek after one that lived in His house and not in the fields or barn? How you are fallen from heaven, Oh Lucifer, son of the morning! How far have you fallen? Jesus will not leave one to fall into the pit if they call to Him and believe in their heart that He is the Son of the Most High God. Abide in His love.

© 2000, 2017 Tim D. Coulter Sr.