As I Prayed in the Morning

As I prayed in the morning,
the small voice within said to me “stand.”
And that I did.
Then the voice said, “take off your shoes.”
And that I did.
Next it said, “what do you feel
that you did not feel before?
Do you feel the carpet through your socks?
The hardness in the sole of your shoe
kept you from feeling it before,
but now you do.
You cannot feel the presents of the Lord
while the hardness of your soul
is between Himself and you.
Now, take off your socks.”
And that I did.
The voice continued, ” now what do you feel
that you did not feel before?
Do you feel the fiber
that makes up the carpet?
The hardness in the sole of your shoe
is the things that came with life
that made you callus.
The rubbing against you
of others as they struggled and
you against them as you struggle.
These are the things
that the blood of Christ
washes away, so the hardness
of your soul will not be
between God and yourself.
The veil that remains, that was the socks
on your feet,
is the part of you that you
do not surrender to God.
It is your choice.
You must remove it.
Christ has washed away the hardness
of your soul and the Holy Spirit
teaches and comforts you.
You do things that brings
glory to God and things that do not.
You are forgiven and cared for.
You hear the Word
and feel the presents of God
through the veil and obey to a point.
Remove the veil. Give
to God the thing that you will not,
it serves you no good.

© 1999, Tim D. Coulter Sr.