Where the King of kings Dwells

Once I asked why a heart was given at all
When hearts only purposed is to be broken
Rendered completely in pieces on the ground
Trampled on by the ones pulling it down
Then I looked upon the Lord my God to see
That the One that was the greatest servant
Lost His heart to the point of giving up life

My heart was once remade by the hands
Of the One that has always remained life
Even at the time of His death, even in the grave
Once the heart was made anew, it was filled
And it began to overflow with one simple thought
To serve in love expecting nothing in return
It was not disappointed, only once more broken

Now I feel His hands shaping the vessel into new
There is a ring of fire burning within, blasting
The new vessel tried by fire and finished in flames
Being readied to overflow with life from the well
That is ever present in the hands of the Master
Surrendered to the One that is the greatest servant
My heart is the castle where the King of kings dwells

© 2008 Tim D. Coulter Sr.