Knowledge of Me

Early in the morning the Lord spoke to me and said, “I never told you that you should love the evil. I told you to love your enemy. Perfect love casts off fear. Love covers a multitude of sin, Love your enemy when you pray and their sins will be forgiven, and the accuser will have nothing to bring before the Lord. Fear is a binding spirit that uses one’s own imagination as a chain. Perfect love will cast off the chains. Go and learn what it means, ‘I desire mercy more than sacrifice and knowledge of God more than burnt offerings’ (Matthew 9:13).”

“My mercy is the perfect love that came in the form of My Son for the forgiveness of the sins of those that were at enmity with Me. My Son died to cast off the chains of those that sought to kill Him. His perfect love was enough to be righteousness. His death was to teach what it means, ‘I desire mercy more than sacrifice.’ My desire for mankind was that they would know goodness and not evil, but man chose to learn of evil. That is My desire for mankind to have knowledge of Me more than burnt offerings. Know Me as good and cast off the lies of the father of all lies. Do not know your brethren as evil, but know them as carriers of My righteousness – My Son.”

“In the heavens We see the righteousness of My Son in all that believe. When you come before Me speaking the evil that is within your brethren, you are the accuser of your brethren. Forgive and believe that they are forgiven. Repent and know that you are forgiven. Repentance is not a rehearsing and lamenting of past or present sins. Repentance turns away from evil towards good and no longer sees evil. “

“How is that possible in the world as it is? Christ is the righteousness of all that believe – keep your eye on Him and you will see goodness. When you pray, do not pray against the evil, but pray for the righteousness. With your words you create, so create the good as you pray. Man took it upon himself to know evil; it is his sin that knows, his death that rivals evil. Turn to righteousness, not your own acts but My Son, and know good.”

“Love is not a word to be used any way you wish. It is a truth to be used to break off chains of darkness from the hands and feet of the brethren. It is a result of believing in God as good. Good includes mercy and grace. When perfect love comes, those that believe know it as love; those that do not believe know it as conviction and sometimes as wrath.”

“The fire that warms the air consumes the wood and scorches the ground. Love consumes evil and scorches the one that will not see love as good. What is of worldly flesh will feel wrath and what is of the kingdom will feel the warmth of My love. Know Me as good and know My love as healing. Fear is the beginning of wisdom (the righteous use of knowledge), but love will cast off fear and knowledge of Me will remain.”

© 2007, 2017 Tim D. Coulter Sr.