
As neighbor robs neighbor and dreams of taking what little remains in the poor man’s home, we kill our children. Not enough that we, in the name of freedom, kill our unborn but we destroy the living as they learn to play. We are all only children passing through this life. Let us hope that in the next life there is no freedom to choose the death of us not yet born nor freedom to protest for rights by taking the lives of the children.

As one neighbor prays for the power to destroy another, another spends the food from their children’s mouth to buy tools to destroy the one that prays. Both sides fighting for the right to be free from the other. Neither side understanding that freedom is the brass ring that cannot be reached while one is on the ride. Freedom cannot be bought, taken, protected, or won. It either exists or it does not. It is for everyone or it is not. There is no quality or quantity of freedom. It is of itself or it is not!

As one neighbor fights for the right to, another fights for the right from. Neither neighbor understands that a right must first be right. No one owns the right to deny the rights of another. It is never a matter of a human’s right to take the life of another. It cannot be ones right to deny the basic requirements of life from another. Freedom is not a right, but an obligation. It is the responsibility of everyone to watch over the freedom of every other being, but the watching cannot be used to oppress freedom. There is no such thing as denying freedom in the name of freedom.

The world is not our playground. It is part of what we inherited and what we pass on. We do not have the right to destroy it. We do not have the right to strip it of its sharable resources. We do not have the right to own it. We are only visitors. We can take what we need. We do not have the right to take more that life requires. We are not free to do as we please with this earth. We must consider our children, if we plan on letting them live.

As one neighbor in this world, I am through. God did not bring me into the world to become part of its sickness. As a gift God gave me a restless spirit and the ability to communicate with the spirit. Not that I can tell what is to be or who will do what to whom, but that I know that there exists a spirit. There is more to life than the circles that we live in. There is more to the family of humanity than the elements that make up our world. I have created a prison of debts to acquire things beyond my needs. I must serve my term. Every effort must be placed on freeing myself and my family from this prison. Charity and education are the only things that must take priority over the paying of my debts.

© 1996 Tim D. Coulter Sr.
