
When life was young in me
Newly discovered worlds seemed possible
When life was new all around
Fulfilled dreams seemed probable
How was it that an endless age
Could be young and original

I was like a snow flake
There never was one as unique
While uniqueness abounded on all sides
Before we all learned to be counterfeit
Another’s smile we imitate
With another’s face stamped on

Do we fear ourselves so
Or more fear not being a them
They say, they want, they do the more
The them we desire to be and know
Can I not be me and still be they
But alas it does not go that way

I am uncommonly common
Not like the other I pretend to be
I say, I want, I do the amore
Still dreaming the dream I survive
It is still me while not me inside
Not I doing the deed, but the they

Can I come out to play
While the sun still shines
This lad trapped in me who is not I
Can I feast on bread with wine
Being part of life and part unique
Here where no one comes to seek

© 2018 Tim D. Coulter Sr.