defeated or rescued

I thought peace, I said peace
How can I walk in peace
With war all around me
And war within in heavenly places
My faith is in peace, peace yet unseen

Even while another fights the battle
While contending not with flesh
Where is the peace seeking me
In the sacrifice of sheep and cattle
Overcome by the sacrifice of the one wrestling

There was a life laid down
There was a life picked up
Life given not taken
Life within restored reborn new life
Recreated as of old a new creation

Is it new conception
A new spirit for a new flesh
Or the original recreation
An adaptation of the created
Or a repenting towards what always was to be

What of the returning heart
Is the heart returning
Is the heart being returned too
Is the original occupant reoccupying
Are we surrendering being defeated or rescued

© 2018 Tim D. Coulter Sr.