Today is Part of Forever

Today is part of forever
if not today and the morrow, it be not forever
only for the days that follow
and no one knows what days follow.
Why heart, if not to love the day
as much as the heart may know of the morrow?
Why today, if we can only live in the morrow?
Bitter-sweet hemlock show me the morrow
and if you be not able, then end the pain that is today.
Fear the loneliness of the night and wrap yourself in it,
it is all we have, remains of the day.
The morrow will be upon us when our repose concludes
and then we will be in the day that follows.
And where will my faint heart be on that awaited day?
Far away, for fear of the lonely night that was before.
And where will your convenient heart be?
Still fearing the lonely morrow and living in it, more lonely.

© 1997   Tim D. Coulter Sr.