Soul Is

Soul, is it the center of ourselves to be left there protected by the stone walls we build? Or is it the existence that surrounds us and lives within us? It is both, one to some and another to others. Which should it be? The answer to that depends on where we are in our lives. It is attitude – it is life experience – it is what we are today, not yesterday nor tomorrow. It is one or the other depending on forgiveness of first ourselves – then others.

If we do not turn loose of the things we have done, we will hide from our soul. We will build walls to protect us from the pain and trap our soul within the walls. To free it, we must forgive ourselves and face our soul within us. But, we do not have to do this alone. The soul (spirit) that lives all around us is there for us, the love that lives within the others that are themselves looking for answers. With the examples of others and the need within us to reach out, we can release ourselves from our own guilt and break the walls down.

Once we have released our soul, it will assist us in the forgiveness of others. Forgiving others can help us be more forgiving with ourselves (forgive not hide from). It creates a circle of attitude that is the intent of the Christian spirit. It is a spirit of forgiveness, not a belief in physical ritual. Not that ritual is wrong, it is there to teach and remind us of the spirit. Rituals just to be seen doing them is not a way, but may be a path to thought – a prompt that asks, “why do I do this?”

The life lived to this moment has helped develop who we are this moment. And this moment will be part of who we will be tomorrow, and the only time we can make a change – of heart – of mind – of physical acts. What we are to ourselves, we are this very moment – what we are to others we are this very moment, but in both cases we have developed the relationships over time. To the new comers, we are anything they want us to be until there is a history.

Soul is the center of ourselves, it is the portion of the spirit that is within us all. The coming together of the souls of those that touch our lives, make up the spirit of family and friendship. Beyond that exists the people that touch their lives and their’s and their’s . . . Life exists within and without all of us, so does the soul. Our soul, the piece within, connects us to the soul (spirit) without. Soul is the existence that surrounds and lives within us

© 1997 Tim D. Coulter Sr.