God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who-so-ever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. To perish means to have no life within ones self. Not perish means to live, to have life within ones self. To believe in the Son of God is to have life within ones self. Some teacher and preachers tell us that to believe we must follow their five, six, seven or twelve rules, ways, folds or steps. Still other teachers and preachers tell us to believe we must listen only to them and they will tell us what God has to say. There is so much being taught and argued that has nothing to do with truth one has to listen very carefully to hear of the kingdom of God.
God loved the world and sent His Son. His Son lived on the earth, in the world. His Son fulfilled (fully filled) the law and the prophecies. His Son lived and died for the world. But, there are still prophecies. Yes, Jesus was raised from the dead and lives. Jesus did not perish. Jesus had life within Himself. Jesus said, “The Father is in Me, and I in Him.” In like manor we will have the Son within us and we will abide in the Son. We will not perish because of the life that is within us. If one does not believe one will perish, not having life within ones self. Jesus asked and the Father sent to us the Holy Spirit. The Spirit moves and flows through and speaks and listens. The Spirit reminds us of the words of the Son of God. The Spirit speaks what He hears. The Spirit teaches the Word of God that is the Son of God, Jesus.
What about one that teaches and preaches the Bible as the only word of God? Does the Bible claim such a right to itself? “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” The Bible teaches that God inspires Scripture, it lays no claim to be the Word of God but proclaims that Jesus is the Word. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” The Bible is a book written by people inspired by God. But it is misread, misquoted and revised by men. If we are to accept that only those inspired by God can revise the Bible then we must be ready to accept every revision made to the Bible in any form by anyone. On the other hand, the Holy Spirit speaks what He hears. No man revises the message delivered to you by the Holy Spirit. We are to be in the Word daily and the Word is in us daily. We are in the Son and the Son is in us daily. Visit one another, minister to one another, share testimony with one another, worship with one another, pray with one another and love one another. These are not rules or ways or folds or steps, but the life within flowing out. There is not another sister or brother that you dwell in and that dwells with you. Let no other turn you aside from Jesus to follow them. The kingdom of God is not so they can say it is here or it is there, follow me. Jesus is in the kingdom of God. Jesus is not so they can say He is here or there, follow me. All that believe are of the Body of Christ, but only one is Jesus and Jesus is the head of the Body.
To listen to Christian television or radio is confusion. Hour after hour of booksellers and teachers and preachers selling whatever is popular this week or damning what ever is popular this week. One will say, “Listen to the chain of command. It is five of these and one of those and written of by Paul.” Another will say, “The one is the antichrist and the five are his harlots as foretold by John.” Still another will say, “There are seven laws to follow and I am the only one that knows them.” And yet another will say, “Pay twenty-five dollars for a piece of rag and you too can have the spirit that fills me.” They all teach, “To have the blessings of the Son of God you must pay to support this broadcast so we can pray over the envelops.” There is only one that saves and that one is Jesus. Jesus gave freely His life and we must freely accept His life in exchange for our sin-filled existence. There is one step – accept the Son of God and believe that His life is within.
It is not that I wish ill of those that have control of Christian broadcasting. I pray for them. They have a way to reach so many, but what are they doing with it? Preach the kingdom of God. That is where Jesus dwells. Seek you first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be delivered unto you (added to you). Love God, love one another and love those that hate you. Listen to the Holy Spirit. If you do not hear the Spirit, pray to the Father in the name of the Son, Christ Jesus. Trust God and not man. Seeking the kingdom of God is to serve God by serving the Body of Christ and not by paying into a treasury that is made of brick and mortar. The Church is not brick and mortar, but brothers and sisters. The Church is not five or twelve, but all that come to the Father by way of the Son. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who-so-ever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.