God is the Creation of Man and Jesus a Myth

It has been said that God is the creation of man and Jesus a myth. Man has created gods, but that is not the same as creating the God. That which lives within me is not a myth. The myth is the rituals that man has created to follow instead of following God. Man has read that they are not to be a respecter of days and has said that the days celebrated by the Israelites are no more. Mankind then created days to respect more than other days. If one were to say that Christmas is not Biblical, they would be called a Scrooge. If one said that Good Friday is not the Passover, they would be called legalistic. Jesus Christ did not free us from one set of chains to bind us to another. Jesus did not come to reconcile us to a God that does not exist.

Is December 25 the date our Lord was born or is December 25 the first day of a pagan Roman winter holiday? The day celebrated as His day of birth is the invention of man. It was a day celebrated in worship of gods made by the hands of man. The story of the birth of Jesus Christ is written, but the day on which He was born is not. But to say that man invented the day of His birth is not to say the man invented Christ Jesus. Man is a respecter of days. Professing Christians all over the world take the day off from work that man has declared as the birthday of Jesus. Businesses around the world are closed on that day. How many Christians take off one hour of work on the day Jesus died? I mean Passover eve and not Good Friday. Good Friday is another day invented by man that men give respect. The prophecy of the death of Jesus was told by the feast of Passover. Read it for yourself.

Man is not to respect one day over another so a large number of Christians ignore the Sabbath as it was created and give respect to Sunday over all others. It is written that we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. That is not a commandment to meet every Sunday morning. Once again businesses close and people refuse to work on the day man has picked to give respect. Some say that Sunday is the day Christians worship because Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday. It is not so written. It was early, before morning, when some returned to the tomb of Jesus and the stone was already rolled away. No one witnessed the stone being rolled away. Some would have us believe that He was in the tomb three portions of days. Part of Friday, all of Saturday and part of Sunday because they do not know or will not tell the true story of the Passover.

Our Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law and the Prophecies of the coming savior. The Sabbath was created as a day of rest for man. The day of rest was made to be a burden on the people by leaders that did not understand the rest of our Lord. Sunday is not the new day of rest and it is not the Lord’s day. The Lord created every day and gives us His rest in all of them. People assemble themselves together on Sunday to learn about Christ Jesus. So let us teach them Christ Jesus and not a myth. There are some that gather on Saturday to learn about Christ, let us teach Him there also and not salvation by the keeping of a day. Christ Jesus is our salvation, our rest, our Sabbaths and our righteousness.

Men say that we are to obey the word of God, when what they want us to do is obey their myths of God. The commandments of God are every word that proceeds out of His mouth. Has anyone of us heard every word that has proceeded out of His mouth? Do we have contact with anyone that has heard every word that has proceeded and continues to proceed out of His mouth? Jesus said that He did everything that God commanded Him to do. Jesus is the Word of God. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would not speak of His own but whatever He hears He will speak. Do we have a communication with God? Man would have us obey the myth because they seek a power and authority that is not theirs. The truth is that God exists and Jesus lived and died and is alive. The Holy Spirit is our communication with God. Let us not respect days or myths, but the Word of God.


© 2003 Tim D. Coulter Sr.