Resting In Him

Not to confuse things, but this is the 1st full day of a 16 day road trip and the 5th day of the USA road trip that started over Memorial Day weekend.

The blessings started before the trip began. On Thursday evening, I found out that my bosses mom is a woman I worked with twenty five years ago.  She is someone God used to speak into my life when I was young, and not chasing the calling on my life.  Her words back then were a call to return to God.  We had lunch with her on Friday and it blessed me more than I can explain in this media.  Just know that nothing happens by coincidence in God’s kingdom.

Friday night in Detroit was (as Pastor JP would say) off-da-hook. It started at Bill and Carolyn’s and continued until midnight at Mike’s apartment. There was fellowship and prayers that overflowed to the home of a couple of Mike’s friends – it could have gone on all night but we needed a little bit of rest to prepare for today.

Today started at 5:00am, when we prayed in the park across the street from Mike’s apartments. As we prayed for the area, I saw a vision of ministry going on in the park. Tables with food, clothes, and ministry materials lined the park. Crowds of people were ministering to one another, as a praise team lifted up the Lord; and all men were being drawn to Him.  Praise the Lord.

An hour and a half down the road, Mike spotted a young man who needed prayer, and prayer broke out at the Jackson rest area in the state of Michigan. The young man was encouraged in the Lord and healed of back, hip, and leg issues. Not more than forty minutes later he called and gave us a praise report.

In the middle of Illinois, we met a couple with addition issues. The man (a friend of the woman) was recovered and helping the woman travel to a recovery center. The Lord ministered to the root causes in her life and broke off harmful things spoken over her by churchy people.  She is being restored.
